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Daily Info
Pro Shop & Coaching
Our Pro Shop, managed by Moreton Hills since December 2021, offers a well-stocked selection. Enjoy lessons at a top teaching facility, and Bidston members get a discount card for the Driving Range with a £20 credit. Contact James Wilkinson or Peter McDougall for assistance and advice.
Call the shop on 0151 638 3412. Visit Moreton Hills Driving Range for details.
James and Peter are in the shop offering competitive prices.
Spring clothing, including warm/waterproof tops, gilets, and trousers from brands like Under Armour, Nike, CK, etc are coming soon.
We have Footjoy shoes in stock, and Bidston logoed clothing is available for order.
Visit the Pro Shop for a quote on new grips from Golf Pride, Lamkin, Superstroke, and Odyssey.
Feel and play the difference.

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